Bengali Language - Spoken Language

Hi there! I am Aupurbo Kumar Kumar Mohonto. I am here to share the details about today’s trending topic “Gaziantep”. So let’s start!

Image result for Bengali Language - Spoken LanguageToday I will talk about language. Actually, it is the Bengali language. What you know about language? Language is a media that people use to express their feelings. So, to a human, it is a very important thing. The reason is they use it every moment in their daily life.

Today we will know some facts about the great Bengali language. It is a language that changed the world. More 300 million people around the world speak in Bengali. It is the mother-tongue of Bangladeshi people. They speak in Bengali from their childhood. It is the official language in Bangladesh and the West-Bengal of India. It is also the national language of Bangladesh.
The history of Bangladesh is so much connected with the Bengali language. In 1952, the then ruling Pakistan government tried to forcefully impose the language Urdu as the national language of Bangladesh. But the students of the University of Dhaka didn’t agree with it and lay down their lives to make Bangla the national language.Image result for Bengali Language - Spoken Language

Bengali is an Indo-Aryan language. Most of its words came from Pakistan, Turkish, English, Portuguese, French, and other languages. The words that a language inherits from another language are called loanwords. Bengali has so many loanwords. The modern form of Bengali language is called “Colito Vasha” locally. And this form of language took so many years form. In these several years, many countries had ruled this region. As a result, it got many loanwords from its ruler countries. That’s so obvious too.Image result for Bengali Language - Spoken Language

That was a simple and short passage about the Bengali language. If you want to know more go to Wikipedia.

That’s it for today guys!

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